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Colaboración con el movimiento Medir para Mejorar


Tu colaboración ayuda a crear una sociedad con más sentido de propósito.




Privacy and data protection: The Measure to Improve movement is a project developed by the DPMC Foundation, the Corporate Excellence Centre for Reputation Leadership foundation and the Chair of Management by Missions and Corporate Purpose at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC). The data collected will be treated and stored confidentially on secure servers of the Chair in Management by Missions and Corporate Purpose of the International University of Catalonia. The information you provide in the questionnaire will constitute the research data. Any information that identifies you or allows you to be identified, directly or indirectly, is referred to as personal data. Your specific answers will not be shared with anyone and will be kept strictly confidential. By providing us with your personal data, we understand that you have read and understood the terms related to personal data protection information set forth. Read about our Privacy and Compliance Policy here: https://www.uic.es/en/privacy-policy.